CAD Classes
MA/MRS is offering introduction to CAD classes! Read below for more information
An Example of what is taught during our previous CAD sessions!
General Information
We will hold a 2 week session with 4 classes within 2 weeks. They will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. These classes will focus on an introduction to the program Dassault Systems "Solid Works". We will also quickly go over "How Fusion 360 and Autodesk Inventor compare to SolidWorks" on a bonus class day TBA. Each class will be 1-2 hours of interactive instruction followed by an open Q&A time. Simple homework may also be assigned if necessary to re-enforce skills learned in class but will all be optional for personal enrichment. It is not graded but is simply used for those who want to accelerate their experience. This is not a certification course but is a basic introduction to 3 major industry CAD programs to train you to be able to continue to practice and improve on your own.Start Date: TBA
Overview of Tutorials
In the sessions we will be building a cylinder, head, and crank assembly. It will not be a detailed engine model but will cover all of the required tools to be proficient in the software. The goal of this is to show you the commonly used tools of the software and provide you with enough knowledge to make a wide array of basic parts.
You will be given a handout with instructions for each step of making the part and you will be able to take this home. We will then go over these instructions together and follow along with each other. (Don't be afraid to ask questions! We don't want anyone to fall behind, and chances are someone else is confused about the same thing you are.) We will then assemble these parts together to show a working model of a basic crankshaft assembly. If there is extra time we may go over some extras as well.
You can register at any time before the class sessions you wish to attend. Cash or Credit Card (small % processing fee for CCs) will be accepted for registration fees. Cash and Check payments can be made directly to a club officer/advisor or made in the engineering office (ESB 801) with Kande Brandt. Credit Card payments will be taken care of on the day of the class.
Cost Breakdown and Options
$45 Full Package
- All 4 classes + Bonus Fusion 360 session$15 Pay Per Class
- Over 25% savings by doing full package. $15 class value + $5 Makers submission/3D printing
- One free submission to Maker's Challenge ($5 value) (category of your choice)
- Free 3D printing services for on item up to 25 cm^3 ($5 value) for your Maker's submission
- Can pick and choose what classes to attend
- No discount to Maker's
- Must pay for 3D printing services
Interested in Attending?
Simply download and fill out this form.